Tuesday, September 28, 2010


He makes window frames
on the walls that are cold and stoic
with the ageing of the years.
Often, people come and open the frames,
to find more walls.
He did not create windows,
only illusions of the openings
that do not exist.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Send a smiley that i react to when I wake up
Mesmerize me with a message,
I have mobile expectations.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Her Roses

The spring that did not stay
her garden was all decay
but shrubs of roses smiled in corners till late,
sometimes she wonders if roses hallucinate.

Cedars have seen winter gone
she stands like the roses all alone
nights shrink cold around her shawl
she collects the roses when they fall.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I read your words, mesmerized
like fireflies in the frosty nights
absorbed words in surreal emotions
play havoc with my rational thoughts,
driving me to a rebellion against self
over depreviation of expectations.

The words you create, lift me
to a plane that I once revered,
I relive the dreams through you
smile, smile, I smile
I read your words, mesmerized
like fireflies in the frosty nights.